The Gaggle

a gaggle of geese walking along the pond in Chicago.  A black and white photography

The gaggle walking about the edge of North Pond which is under restoration | BUY PRINTS

North Pond which is in Lincoln Park here in Chicago is getting some restoration work done. There is dredging, and draining, and cleaning, and planting and so much more all going on right now. This pond has so much wildlife but I’ve noticed the vast majority of people in the park never notice or see it. I can tell you thought that it has 2 things that many people notice.

  1. Geese. Yes, there are geese everywhere. Mostly they seem to just poop. And they poop everywhere. But in the spring they become very cute with all the babies they have to lead around the park and the pond. For a short time no one notices the poop.

  2. Those who look over the edge and into the water, or come to the shore and sit still for a few moments, or even see a bird catch a fish, will notice that there are many large goldfish in that pond. I’m told this is because there are many kids and families that release their pets into the pond over the years rather the take the flushing route when they no longer can keep them. I don’ know how many, but I see lots of goldfish in there.


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